150608 Bethlehem

Greetings from Jerusalem at this special time of the year.

When Mary and Joseph held the Christ Child in their arms, they could not have imagined the influence this child would have within their own land and far beyond its shores. Matthew’s story of the visiting Magi has proved to be a prophetic parable for the diverse company of humanity that now acknowledges Jesus as Emmanuel, God with us.

As we give thanks for the birth of Jesus, we pray for all those children born to refugees and displaced families in this region during the past year. Our TV screens have brought their tragedy to our living rooms, and to some extent this has triggered a generous humanitarian response from some countries, if not all. We pray for fewer tragedies and an increase in compassion.

This is not the time for me to ask for donations, but I do ask for your solidarity with us and with all the ‘living stones’ of the Christian community in this land. Check out our web site on a regular basis, share the news of what is happening here with friends, encourage them to come and take a course with us, and come back yourself some time soon.

Do keep us all in your prayers, and especially those whose lives have been touched by violence and fear these past few months.

Blessings from Jerusalem, the Holy!

SGC Dean SQ 151113




The Very Revd Canon Dr. Gregory C. Jenks
