There are numerous films from the College on YouTube. Search for “St George’s College Jerusalem” and these will come up (as well as some which are not from us).
You will find:
1 A Virtual Pilgrimage with St. George’s College
Five short films with on-site footage, which give a taster of the College’s study pilgrimages.
2 SGC Lent Course – A River Through the Desert
Six sessions focusing on the physical features of the Holy Land to explore our faith through Lent.
This has now been produced in the form of a book written by Dean Richard which can be ordered through Amazon:

Also, there are two books by the College Course Director: Rev Dr Rodney Aist:
Jerusalem Bound: How to be a Pilgrim in the Holy Land
Pilgrim Spirituality: Defining Pilgrimage Again for the First Time
Both of these books are helpful for people preparing to come on pilgrimage to Israel/Palestine or to follow up after a pilgrimage. They are available from all good book stores and suppliers.
Social Media
We post regularly on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Here are some examples of our Facebook posts: