Message from Dean Richard Sewell

Greetings from Jerusalem and from all the staff of St George’s College.

We continue to endure the devastating effects of the Israel/Gaza War. We feel the pain of all the peoples of these lands and pray for an end to the terrible suffering.

The war and its devastating impact throughout Palestine and Israel inevitably impacts the College too. We have been closed since October and while a war rages, there is no prospect of us re-opening. However, we keep busy in a variety of ways so that we can continue to be a resource to friends of St George’s College around the world.

Our Christmas Message

We send Christmas Greetings to all the friends of St George’s College. A full year and more has passed since the terrible war began and we have endured all these months of suffering. The message of Christmas from the land of the Holy One is the same as it ever was: ´For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.’

But this promise lands differently for us when a world of sorrow and suffering are not marginal issues to be recalled, but are front and centre in the midst of everyday experience. We have learned that human promises and an optimistic outlook are insufficient for these dreadful days, so we rely on the promise put into the mouth of Jesus’s uncle, Zechariah, that the Messiah comes: ‘to shine on those living in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the path of peace.’

So, we, the staff of the College share with you that same message and hope even as we feel darkness circling around. We are so grateful for the prayers, support and advocacy of so many friends around the world. We know that those prayers are not only for us but for all the peoples of these lands that days of suffering would soon be followed by days of healing and rebuilding. The College exists to be a part of this process of bringing hope to reality and for that we need your continued solidarity with us in the grace of God.

Regarding Cancellation of College Courses

The College is closed at present because we are unable to run any pilgrimages owing to safety issues. At present our policy is to cancel courses on a month-by-month basis according to our assessment of the likelihood of the war ending and a stable situation being established. We write to everyone registered for courses to inform them that a pilgrimage is cancelled as soon as that decision is made. A letter from us will be helpful for insurance claims for cancelled travel arrangements and costs.

When a course is cancelled it is possible for the College to give a full refund of the $500 deposit, as per our policy (detailed on our website). Alternatively, it is possible to transfer a booking to a course later in this year or in 2025, in which case the deposit would be used for that. If desired, please inform the College of your preferred course and the deposit will be transferred. Another option is to make a kind donation of the deposit to the College, but of course there is no obligation.

In the case of anyone wishing to cancel a booking for a course further in the future, beyond those ones officially cancelled, we are sorry but the deposit is non-refundable (as per our policy detailed on our website).

This continuing disaster is utterly heartbreaking. We ask all friends of the College to hold all the peoples of these lands in their prayers. No one can condone the killing of innocents; what has happened is profoundly painful to all people. We continue to pray for an immediate ceasefire, the safe return of all hostages and prisoners, so that a peace process can be launched for a safe and just outcome for everyone.

Teaching Resources from the College

Over these past months, College Course Director, Revd. Rodney Aist and I have been making short on-site films to coincide in with the church’s liturgical calendar. All of these can be seen on the College’s YouTube channel (search ‘Richard Sewell’). We hope that in the absence of the opportunity to come on one of our study pilgrimages that these films will keep you connected to us and to the beauty and spiritual enrichment of the Land of the Holy One.

We are sharing this rich resource partly because the current very grave and distressing situation in Gaza, the West Bank and throughout the region means that it is impossible for us to run pilgrimages. There are virtually no pilgrims in the Holy Land in these days. Of course, this is creating a very challenging financial environment for us. There is no charge for the use of our on-site films either as an individual or for church groups, but if it inspires you or your church to make a donation, however small it may be, we would be most grateful.

May God bless us all and lead us in peace to a place of justice and reconciliation.

Welcome to the St George’s College website.

A pilgrimage to the Holy Land is a transformative experience but the ways in which pilgrims engage with the Land and its people is absolutely key. Our long history of organizing study pilgrimages and our deep roots in Israel/Palestine means that St George’s College is an excellent choice for your pilgrimage.

We offer a varied range of study pilgrimages with different themes. In order to choose the one that suits you best look for length of course at the time of year which most appeals to you. The Palestine of Jesus, the Footsteps of Jesus and Introduction to Biblelands differ only in length, while other courses have a specific theme such as Sharing Perspectives (Interfaith) and Women of the Bible. All courses are framed as a pilgrimage so visits to holy and historical sites look at the biblical context and lead pilgrims into prayer. At most sites there is some time for individual reflection.

A US $500 deposit books your place. Although this is non refundable if you decide to cancel you can transfer the deposit to another course at a convenient time. Further information on all the pilgrimages can be found here.

“Pilgrimage is partly a process of self-reflection in which the pilgrim considers their own life, their commitments, their identity and their relationship with God. It is transformative.” Rev Dr Rodney Aist

Our Study Pilgrimages
Our pilgrimage programs vary between 8 and 14 days, and we provide a unique combination of features that makes our pilgrimage programs distinctive and transformative.

Message from the Dean

Welcome to the website for St George's College, Jerusalem.

St George’s is the Anglican Centre for pilgrimage in the Holy Land. We have many years of experience running pilgrimages and our staff team offer high quality teaching along with spiritual and practical care. By booking a pilgrimage with us you are connecting with and investing in the ministry of the Anglican Diocese of Jerusalem, part of the local Christian community.

Our study pilgrimages are rooted in the present-day realities of the context of Israel/Palestine, so your pilgrimage experience will be uplifting and inspiring spiritually, theologically and historically educational and also informative about the current issues of these lands.

The College is situated just ten minutes walk from Damascus Gate in the heart of the holy city of Jerusalem. It is a beautiful and peaceful location for short-term pilgrimages, interfaith conversations and Christian fellowship. Our courses weave together time at sacred sites all over the Holy Lands. You can enjoy daily worship in the Anglican Cathedral next to the College and in local churches. People from all over the world join our programmes as they walk together in the footsteps of Jesus. I am pleased to invite you to experience this for yourself and if you have been before to sign up to a follow-up course.

You are welcome to the community of St George’s College. Your faith will be deepened and your life enriched by the experiences you will enjoy in and through the College.

The Very Revd Canon Richard Sewell, Dean

See for Yourself
Watch the Saint George's College Jerusalem Video