Stay in Touch
Staying in touch with our alumni and friends is vital for us.
During a programme at St George’s College very special relationships are formed with other pilgrims and with the College staff. We want to keep those connections between us as strong as possible, and this is now greatly assisted by information technologies and social media.
Please let us have your email address if you would like to keep up with news and information about developments at the College and about forthcoming courses. We aim to send out our Newsletter monthly.
We are using Constant Contact so that you know that your account information is secure, and the mailing list cannot be exploited by spammers. You can also add yourself to that list at any time using the sign-up form at the bottom of any page on this site. There you will find the sign-up form asking for some very basic information:
- Email Address
- First Name
- Last Name
- Country
- Any previous SGC courses
Please subscribe to this Newsletter so that you can stay up to date with all the latest news and information from the College.
And please encourage your friends to sign up as well.
Social Media
We are active on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. If you use these platforms, please follow us to receive pictures and news and share them to spread news of the College and the way we enable people to encounter the Holy Land and its people. There is a link to our social media sites at the top of every page on this website.