
St George’s College is a mission agency of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem and a precious gift to the global church.

First established in 1920 to serve as a seminary for the Middle East dioceses of the Anglican Communion, the College now serves as an international center for continuing education, interfaith encounter, pilgrimage, and research. We welcome people of all faiths to come and share our programs.

Our mission statement nicely brings together several beautiful elements of our shared vision for the role of the College:

St. George’s College Jerusalem is an Anglican community of education, hospitality, pilgrimage, and reconciliation. Through study, site visits, engagement with the local Christian community, prayer and reflection, lives are transformed and faith renewed.

The College Foundation has identified a small set of strategic directions for the College as we pursue this mission in the next five years:

  • Wider participation from the Anglican Communion worldwide
  • Targeting ordinands and younger clergy
  • Supporting the Diocese of Jerusalem, and connecting with the ‘living stones’ of the local Church
  • Developing inter-faith courses
  • Encouraging lay faith formation
  • Raising the scholarly profile of the College

Within the matrix created by our mission statement and our strategic directions, this strategic plan will assist us to provide realistic but exciting answers to the following key missional questions:

  • What is our mission to (how can we best serve) the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem?
  • What is our mission to (how can we best serve) the wider Church in the Middle East, and also those churches in other societies with a Muslim majority?
  • What is our mission to (how can we best serve) the wider Anglican Communion, and especially at a time when its own sense of identity and mission is so problematic?

Those three questions remind us to look beyond the survival of the College as we plan our programs and manage our resources. They remind us to think locally, regionally, globally. They invite us to explore mission possibilities beyond the contours of our recent profile.

Most importantly, they invite us to dream God’s dream for the future of St George’s College as a mission agency of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem, as a mission theology resource for the Church in multi-faith contexts, and as a center for Anglican reconciliation and renewal worldwide.

Please join us as we translate these plans into reality!

The Very Revd. Dr. Gregory C. Jenks


Note: This plan was adopted by the Foundation of St George’s College Jerusalem on 22 June 2016. It draws on research and survey data developed by The Very Rev. Dr. Ian Markham, President and Dean of Virginia Theological Seminary, who generously donated his time to coordinate this strategic planning process for the College in the first half of 2016. We also acknowledge the valuable input by alumni, church leaders, and College staff who collected data, contributed to the surveys, and assisted with the processing of the information gathered. The draft strategic plan was fashioned in a seminar on 21 June 2016 and then presented to the meeting of the College Foundation the next day, at which time it was unanimously approved.



Aim: To provide an outstanding educational experience in a pleasant residential setting.

Outcome 1.1: Internal reconfiguration of College Building

Goal:               Better catering facilities across the whole Cathedral Close. Better facilities for volunteer staff and visiting scholars. Improved safety for guests and staff. Increased access to Benshoof Cistern Museum

Action Steps:  Implement during 2016/2017. Offer named gift opportunities for major components of the project.

Outcome 1.2: Library Upgrade

Goal:               Clarify focus of library within mission of College.
Technological options for library services.
Efficient use of space

Action Steps:  Develop mission statement and acquisition policy for the Library. Upgrade library software. Professional development for Librarian. Subscriptions to digital books and journals, including Arabic materials.

Outcome 1.3: Upgrade Guest Rooms

Goal:               Enhance the experience of students while on programs.

Action Steps:  Systematic review of all the furniture in all the rooms. Refresh the rooms with preference for new and locally purchased furniture.

Outcome 1.4: College Lobby and Administrative Offices

Goal:               To offer a more welcoming experience for visitors and pilgrims. To create a better working environment.

Action Steps:  Review the College requirements in consultation with key stakeholders and the diocesan architect. Develop plans for improvements. Identify funding. 

Outcome 1.5: New Air-Conditioning System

Goal:               To have a quiet, green, and effective A/C service to the entire college.

Action Steps:  Include replacement of the A/C system in plans for reconfiguration of the College building and/or the additional floors.

Outcome 1.6: Additional Floors

Goal:               Upgrade accommodation to meet current expectation and increase capacity for program participation as well as meeting future needs of the Cathedral Close for staff accommodation with potential for income from rental of small apartments.

Action Steps:  Design work by diocesan architect. Confirm city approvals and engineering certificates. Seek funding through capital campaign.

Outcome 1.7: Technology

Goal:               Suitable technologies for teaching and learning, as well as guest services.

Action Steps:  Identify upgrades needed and integrate with plans for improvements to Internet services for the entire Close.

Outcome 1.8: Cathedral Close

Goal:               Integration of planning for future development of the grounds and buildings for entire Close.

Action Steps:  Liaise with Diocesan Property Manager and Cathedral Dean.

Outcome 1.9: Benshoof Cistern Museum

Goal:               Better use of this facility for teaching and marketing.

Action Steps:  Address water penetration issues. Appoint curator. Renew relationship with family trust. Relocate stored material. Create small visitor center.



Strategic Objective Two: Letting the World Know

Aim: To review and share the brand, message, and opportunities at St. George’s College, Jerusalem.

Outcome 2.1. Website Upgrade

Goal:               Increase traffic, advertise courses more effectively, and capture program registrations efficiently.

Action Steps: Work with a consultant on a redesign.  Create fresh content, including blogs, images, and video. New workflows to capture registration data for alumni database. Integrate Moodle and Library software for single integrated user accounts.

Outcome 2.2. Social Media

Goal:               Increase awareness of and registrations into College programs, as well as donations to the capital campaign.

Action Steps: Integrated use of Facebook, MailChimp, Twitter and other social media.

Outcome 2.3. Print and Postal Communication

Goal:               To ensure that high-quality print forms of communication are available.

Action Steps: Review plans for appropriate print and postal resources for those alumni and friends who are not comfortable with online materials. Ensure that the print communication is timely and of high quality.

Outcome 2.4: Cross-cultural customer service training

Goal:               Ensure that all staff at St. George’s College understand the different cultural expectations around communication and hospitality.

Action Steps: Offer appropriate training for all current staff in the College and develop plans for this to be included in the induction process for new staff.

Outcome 2.5: Marketing Intern

Goal:               Secure a young, energetic intern for one year, who is able to focus on marketing.

Action Steps:  Make this a priority for the annual Porter Scholar selection process.

Outcome 2.6: Video Resources

Goal:               Create video resources for use on web site and at alumni/donor events.

Action Steps:  Work with a consultant to prepare storybook and engage video producer.

Outcome 2.7: Capital Campaign

Goal:               Raise funds needed to address immediate building costs and endowments.

Action Steps:  In-principle approval by Foundation; focus on 2020 as centenary of College. Preparation of a feasibility study. Engage a professional consultant to assist with planning and implementation. Develop effective coordination and communication protocols. Budget for extensive overseas travel by the Dean.

Outcome 2.8: Cathedral Visitors

Goal:               More effective promotion of the College for visitors to the Cathedral and Close, as well as pilgrims at the Guesthouse.

Action Steps:  Develop marketing strategies in consultation with Cathedral Dean and Guesthouse manager.



Strategic Objective Three: Connection through Partnerships

Aim: To leverage connection around the Anglican Communion to maximize the mission of the College.

Outcome 3.1: Diocese of Jerusalem

Goals:             To strengthen our identity as a mission agency of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem.

Actions Steps: Continuing education and professional development for diocesan clergy and lay leaders. Encourage participation by local church members in College programs. Facilitate academic program planning for diocesan ordination candidates.

Outcome 3.2: Regional Committees

Goals:             Develop fresh and collaborate relationships with the regional committees.

Action Steps:  Foundation taskforce to review role of regional committees. Explore new ways for College to support and resource the work of regional committees.

Outcome 3.3: Key Anglican Organizations

Goals:             Foster stronger links with key institutions and networks in the Communion.

Action Steps:  Develop active relationships with Anglican Centre in Rome (ACR), Anglican Board of Mission Australia (ABM), Council of Anglican Provinces in Africa (CAPA), Colleges and Universities of the Anglican Communion (CUAC), Church Missionary Society (CMS), Jerusalem and Middle East Church Association (JMECA), SPCK, TEC Global Mission Department, USPG, etc.

Outcome 3.4: Patron of the College

Goal:               Explore with Lambeth Palace how the Archbishop of Canterbury can assist with the mission of the College.

Action Steps: Work with Mark Poulson and David Porter at Lambeth Palace to encourage the endorsement of certain key activities of the College by Archbishop Justin Welby. Organize a visit to the College by the Archbishop. 

Outcome 3.5: Networks for Continuing Professional Development

Goal:               Work with national organizers and key people in the promotion of professional and continuing education of clergy and lay leaders.

Action Steps: Work with national, provincial and diocesan networks to develop courses that will enrich existing programs for continuing education and professional development. Seek accreditation of existing SGC courses for continuing education points in different provinces as well as in other denominations.

Outcome 3.6 Academic Partnerships

Goal:               Encourage ordination candidates to include a program at SGC in their studies.

Action Steps:  Work with seminaries and theological colleges to promote opportunities for programs at SGC to gain academic credit in national ordination education programs. Collaborate with Rippon College Cuddesdon in the development of a SGC module in the Common Awards program for the Church of England.

Outcome 3.7: Alumni and Friends

Goal:               Cultivate long term relationships with alumni and other supporters.

Action Steps:  Consolidate separate databases to create a single alumni database. Develop SGC capacities for direct digital and postal communication.

Outcome 3.8: Global Diocesan Partnerships

Goal:               Facilitate conversation between the different provinces using SGC as a resource and venue.

Action Steps:  Promote ‘linked diocese’ process for dioceses and provinces around the world. Liaise with Diocesan development office to identify existing and potential partnerships.

Outcome 3.9: Parish Partnerships

Goal:               Encourage parishes to share a connection using SGC as a venue and resource.

Action Steps:  Promote opportunities for ‘parish pilgrimage’ programs. Offer financial incentives for parish groups and returning alumni.

Outcome 3.10: Church Schools

Goal:               Promote SGC programs as a professional development option for educators.

Action Steps:  Promote opportunities for educator professional development programs. Offer financial incentives for school groups and returning alumni.



Strategic Objective Four: Global Center for Reconciliation

Aim: To serve the city, region, and the world with opportunities to handle difference constructively.

Outcome 4.1: Assisting the Diocese of Jerusalem to engage with its Jewish context in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories.

Goal:               Develop Christian theology of Jewish presence in the land. Increased confidence of local church using Old Testament. Promote Jewish/Christian dialogue.

Action Steps:  Offer a series of clergy seminars; develop a Sharing Perspectives program with local Jews and Christians participating; create programs for young Christians and Jewish adults in partnership with the Cathedral.

Outcome 4.2: Draw on the experience of the local church for insights into Christian mission in the context of Muslim majority societies.

Goal:               Develop positive communal relationships. Explore common theological and missional elements. Resources for Anglican communities in other areas with Muslim majority context.

Action steps:   Develop clergy seminars, encouraging local opportunities for Muslims and Christians to share perspectives, and creating programs for Christian and Muslim adults in partnership with Cathedral.

Outcome 4.3: Ordinands and lay leaders from around the Communion.

Goal:               Offer transformative formation experiences in the Holy Land. Enrich theological and ministerial education globally. Invest in the future of Anglican Communion leadership.

Action steps:   Create a Jerusalem Ministry Formation Program (January/July). Develop program pathways with Anglican Communion Office and Canterbury and the St. Anselm Community. Identify funding for participants.

Outcome 4.4: Engagement with Mission Theology project of Anglican Communion Office and Lambeth.

Goal:               Active partner in Mission Theology project. Contribute to renewal and reconciliation in the Anglican Communion. Increase diversity of participants in St. George’s College programs.

Action steps:   Secure an Anglican Consultative Council representative on the Foundation. Host a writing-for-publication conference in 2017. Target the distribution of scholarships to promote diversity in College programs.

Outcome 4.5 Partnership with the Center for Anglican Communion Studies at Virginia Theological Seminary

Goal:               Contribute to the renewal and reconciliation in the Anglican Communion.

Action Steps:  Implementation of the agreement with VTS. Collaborate with CACS to serve global church. Effective partnerships with seminaries around the Anglican Communion. Joint applications to funding bodies. Promote the Scholar-in-Residence opportunities for seminary teaching staff from across the Communion.


Strategic Objective Five: Adventurous Programs for New Audiences

Aim: To seek new audiences and connect afresh with old constituencies.

Outcome 5.1: Review Schedule, Calendar, and Courses

Goal:               Offer fresh and relevant programs that serve the mission of the Church.

Action Steps:  Implement Scope and Sequence review of all programs. Use Mar/May and Oct/Nov for the basic large groups. Use other months for the new course options

Outcome 5.2: Develop Interfaith Programs

Goal:               Provide programs that engage interfaith engagement.

Action Steps:  Review curriculum opportunities and create programs that include Muslim and Jewish participants.

Outcome 5.3: Lay Faith Formation

Goal:               Offer lay leaders and lay members of the church opportunities to develop their faith through exposure to the unique context and programs of the SGC.

Action Steps:  Review curriculum opportunities and address priorities for lay formation.

Outcome 5.4: Visiting Professors & Scholars-in-Residence

Goal:               Enrich the learning opportunities for students by active development of existing programs for Visiting Professors, Scholars-in-Residence, and other adjunct staff.

Action Steps:  Promote the availability of these opportunities and schedule visiting scholars.

Outcome 5.5: Effective use of new technologies

Goal:               Enrich the learning opportunities for students and alumni by appropriate use of new technologies for teaching and learning.

Action Steps:  Implement and review the Moodle online learning environment within all College programs. Deploy Moodle as a resource for continuing education of clergy and lay leaders in the Diocese of Jerusalem.