St George’s College is seeking a suitable person to serve as Chaplain for 2017/2018.

This is a volunteer role, with no stipend or other allowances paid. The College provides accommodation and board, as well as a return airfare for the Chaplain and their spouse.

We are seeking someone to serve in this role from the beginning of September 2017 until the end of July 2018. An extension beyond that date for a further 6 or 12 months may be possible.

Preference will be given to applicants who are alumni of the College and, for this appointment, to someone from the Asia/Pacific region.

Some details about the position are listed below. For further information, please  contact the Dean.

Position Summary

The position of Chaplain exists to provide pastoral and spiritual support to the SGC community, including course members. The major areas of activity include liturgical leadership, theological reflections, and pastoral care. The appointment is normally for a calendar year, and the College seeks to draw on people from different regions within the Anglican Communion.

Major Areas of Responsibility

  • Liturgical Leadership: The Chaplain coordinates devotional and worship activities that occur as part of the College program, working closely with the Course Director or other program leaders for each course.
  • Theological Reflections: At the discretion of the Director of Studies or other program leader, the Chaplain may provide on site reflections during field trips. In addition, the Chaplain may facilitate debriefing and reflection sessions at appropriate points in a College program.
  • Pastoral Care: The Chaplain will be available for pastoral care and spiritual advice to course members during College programs. The Chaplain may also provide pastoral care to members of staff and other visitors to the College.

Knowledge/Skills/Experience Required for this Position

  • The Chaplain is expected to have formal theological qualifications as well as sufficient pastoral experience from which to draw in exercising their role within the College community.
  • Good interpersonal and relational skills.
  • Special training and/or substantial experience in pastoral care and/or spiritual direction.

Canonical Requirements

The successful applicant will be a person in good standing in the Anglican Communion or some other Christian community. If an Anglican, they must be eligible for licensing by the Anglican Archbishop in Jerusalem. Under the canons of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem it is not possible for a woman in Holy Orders to be licensed for this ministry.