The Holy Land and the Arts, led by guest course leader, Dr. Barbara Drake Boehm (Paul and Jill Ruddock Curator Emerita, The Met Cloisters, New York), is a study pilgrimage integrating two primary foci: (1) Complimented by on-site visits to corresponding sites and landscapes, the course explores how Western art has depicted events of Christian scriptures (the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament), including Jesus’ nativity stories, his baptism in the Jordan River, his Galilee ministry, and Holy Week events culminating in his crucifixion and resurrection; (2) Recognizing the contributions, past and present, of the three Abrahamic faiths to the Land of the Holy One, the course engages the rich legacy of historical art and architecture which the land has preserved from the Jewish, Christian, and Muslim traditions. It likewise highlights the role of women in the Holy Land (e.g., the daughters of Jerusalem).

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The Ways in the Wilderness program explores biblical, monastic, and personal themes of wilderness as we visit sites in Israel, Palestine, and Jordan.

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Abraham and His Children is an Old Testament course focusing upon the Abrahamic narratives of the Hebrew Bible, Genesis 11-25, and the traditions of Abraham as developed in the Talmud, New Testament, and Quran.

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During the tour you will explore some of the key biblical landscapes to the east of the Jordan River, including the lands of Moab, Edom, and Midian. The Jordan study tour is intended as an add-on to our other programmes, but can also be taken as a stand-alone module.

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The use of parables is one of the most distinctive features of Jesus’ teaching ministry. This program will explore the artistry of Jesus’ parables in the context of the biblical lands, and will offer you an opportunity to consider their meaning for his day and ours.

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